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Human of the Month: Mariana Beatriz Wu
Mariana Beatriz Wu is an illustrator who uses vibrant colors and eye-catching shapes in her work, and it was her design, “Fruity Bloom,” that was selected among the top 30 as one of our three winners for last year’s...
You can check out Sock It To Me in the press below! If you're interested in learning more or getting in touch with us for an interview/feature download our official Press Release.
Human of the Month: Mariana Beatriz Wu
Mariana Beatriz Wu is an illustrator who uses vibrant colors...
Meet the Design-a-Sock Contest 2019 Winners!
This was one of our most successful Design-a-Sock Contests ever....
Design-a-Sock 2017 Winners!
Thank you to all participants, whether you sent inspired drawings...