So the contest has come and go, and we've announced our winners. But we are still talking about you, and the designs that have floated our way, on clouds of sweet design fairies and unicorns. And we're just so blessed to call you friends. I hope you know we feel that way about you.
We thought you might enjoy seeing some additional designs that drew our attention, just for the heck of it. And then check out the three winning designs at the bottom, if you haven't already seen them. Thanks, again, for all of your participation! Enjoy your work week and remember to take a sock break every now and then. (That is when you put up your feet for a bit, showing off your adorably clad peds!)

And the winners are................
First Place: Coi by Cessie Berlin, Sweden
Second Place: Robo-socks by Jessica Tyrrell, United Kingdom
Third Place: Sassy Kitties and Yarn by Raquel Arana, El Salvador