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Meet the Design-a-Sock Contest 2019 Winners!

This was one of our most successful Design-a-Sock Contests ever. You sent us nearly 10,000 unique designs from every corner of the globe. With the help of our celebrity judges, we narrowed it down to 30 finalists, and from there it went to a public vote. Thousands of votes were cast, and we ended up with three winners. Here they are, the Design-a-Sock Contest 2019 winning designs and the talented people who made them!

First Place  

 Design: Punkzilla
Artist Name: Franco Barco
Location: Panama City, Panama

I am a plastic artist living in Panamá with my dog Luigio. I like to illustrate everything I see in a gothic way.

I never won a design contest so this is kind of surprising for me. I have been following your instagram account a few years ago because of the crazy designs.

    Second Place  

 Design: Moonwalk in the Morning
Artist Name: Kassidy Richard
Location: Roanoke, Louisiana

Hi, my name is Kassidy Richard, and I am a freshman at Saint Louis Catholic High School in Louisiana. I live in Roanoke, almost thirty minutes away from my school, on a farm where I stay with my parents, twin sister, and numerous animals. When I am not studying for school, I have numerous hobbies including reading, spending time outside with my dog, running track, drawing, and helping my dad out on the farm.

I’ve competed in a few local art contests and always do very well in my age group, which is why I was very excited to compete in such a large competition. What inspired me to even enter the contest was when my mom suggested it to me because she received an email from Sock It to Me promoting the contest. She thought it was a great idea because I am always drawing; I’ve been drawing ever since I can remember. Anytime inspiration strikes, I’m always jotting down a quick sketch of my new idea. I originally made three designs that I worked on for over twenty hours. I worked for half the night one Saturday on the design that won second place. It's is a combination of fun things that reminded me of myself. It started off with me sketching out the complicated astronaut suit, which was just something I had been wanting to try for a while. The sneakers were added later because I wanted to add something that stood out and so why not add my favorite shoes that I wear every day? The space and planets spilling out of the coffee mug came from my idea of creating a strange illusion that you don’t see every day. I had so much fun with the creative process of all my designs, despite a few points of pure frustration.

Third Place  

 Design: Love Yourself
Artist Name: Lyndzi Ramos
Location: Peoria, Arizona
My name is Lyndzi Ramos. I'm 17 and a senior at Peoria High School in Peoria, AZ. At school I'm involved in the Arts programs, both visual and theater. I'm a straight "A" honors student and the varsity goalie for my school's soccer team.

I've loved to draw ever since I was three years old. I've won a number of contests over the years. I'm a three-time winner of the Peoria Unified School District anti-bullying art contest and the winner of the 2018 Valley Metro Design a Transit Wrap Art Contest, which resulted in having a bus and light rail wrapped with my design for a year. Art is my passion and I always like to challenge myself with new opportunities to share my work. Being a bigger girl, I'm a strong advocate for positive body image and spreading kindness. I wanted to create a sock that is pretty but also spreads a positive message.

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