Featured Article
Science and Sock It to Me!
Nerd Much?, a nerdy pop culture site, noticed that we've had some science going on! Our new fall line is, as Nerd Much? put it, "loaded with extra nerdy science-inspired designs". We are getting a little spacey, and gamey,...
You can check out Sock It To Me in the press below! If you're interested in learning more or getting in touch with us for an interview/feature download our official Press Release.
Portland Business Journal: December 2017
Sock It to Me founder Carrie Atkinson spoke at PBJ's...
Houstonia: December 2017
Houstonia Magazine included our Don't Stop Believing socks in their...
Lifetime: November 2017
Lifetime wrote a wonderful article that highlights products from businesses...
Business News Daily: September 2017
Business News Daily shared the Sock It to Me story—our...