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Zach & His Sock Collection Are Going to Hollywood!

Zach D'Onofrio has a few great things going for him: he's charming, he's got a great sock collection, and it turns out he has an amazing voice!

Zach started out his audition by handing out socks (including two that might seem pretty familiar to SITM fans) to judges Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie. Though Katy says he "had her at kitten socks" we think everyone was blown away by the whole package.

We're so proud of you, Zach! We can't wait to see what you do next. You can follow his journey via his instagram: @zach_donofrio

Watch Zach's audition and tell us you aren't awestruck by his sincerity and talent!

American Idol Contestant Zach D'Onofrio

American Idol Judes Katy Perry and Luke Bryan with Sock It to Me Socks    

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