Hi y'all....if there is really anybody out there reading this.....it's Tuesday afternoon and I haven't been very good at keeping up to my promised Monday morning postings. But, I'm squeezing some time in now.
Busy last couple of weeks. The main thing occupying my time was placing the fall order. All in all, we will have 46 new styles!! Some of those are men's, a big chunk are new women's knee highs, and the other big chunk is a new line of women's crew, or ankle high socks. I know a lot of women out there like the funky socks but they don't necessarily like the knee highs. This line is for you! It was also a little more fun for us because the designs could be a more complicated. The knee high designs have to be fairly simple because more detail means more knots in the string, which makes a tighter sock, and harder to fit over varying calf widths. With ankle high socks there is no need for the sock to ever strech over a calf, and therefore can be made with more intricate designs. Yay! So keep an eye out for a sushi, tacos, and even a veggies with faces socks. All new styles to be in at the end of June, so be sure to check back then.
We also worked with a variety of different designers this round, all of them brand new this year. Several from here in the Portland area, one from Lawerence Kansas, and then one from Sweden! Having internet and e-mail makes working with designers from all over the world a breeze. I hope to someday have a better outlet on the website to accept new designs, and then having a voting platform similar to threadless.com, where the customers vote and highly scored designs get produced, and then designers rewarded accordingly. This is one of the many things I'd like to add to Sock it to Me to make it a better business that serves the people. Always lots of ideas and a full plate, now if I could some how work figure out how to get by with 4 hours of sleep a night. Truth be told I'm a big fan of 8 hours a night and I get kind of cranky if I don't get it. I don't drink coffee (gasp!) and think I'm able to survive without it because I do get my full 8 hours.....Ok, getting off the subject now. Let's see, what other sock news do I have...
Basically I want to run an awesome, efficient business,where the customers get a quality product for a fair price in an efficient manner, and where I make smart business decisions to keep the place running, the lights on, and the team paid. The improvement list never ends; be it website updates, product design ideas, or fine tuning our systems dealing with getting product out, we will always have plenty to do. Your comments, feedback, and suggestions keeps our changes relevant, so keep em coming!
I'll leave you with some pictures sent in from a customer who used our socks as part of their Oompa Loompa costumes for their Charlie and the Chocolate Factory performance. Enjoy! And hopefully there is a little spring sunshine wherever you are!