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The Sock It to Me "Behind the Scenes" Series

Ever wandered by a company and wondered "Who works there?!" (Like who gets to fly around those remote-controlled helicopters in the mall all day. That's hardly work.) Well, now it's time to get to know the people behind those crazy Sock It to Me socks!

Now introducing our shipping connoisseur, our fantasy fanatic, the one who promises no loyalty when zombies roam the earth... Kisa!  

Name: Kisa

Position at SITM: Shipping Manager

Years at SITM: 3

Favorite pair of SITM socks: Giraffe (F0118)

Tell us a bit about yourself in less than 120 words: I’m a lifelong nerd. I like sci-fi and fantasy. I like reading, writing, video games, and role-playing games. I also like karaoke and have been known to practice a little muay thai kick boxing from time to time.

What were you doing before you started working at Sock It to Me? Working as a production assistant on films and TV shows around Portland. It’s not as fun as you might think. Working 15 hour days, on my feet the whole time and looking for new work every three to six months got tiring. Sock It to Me is a much cooler job.

One food item you could not live without: Red meat. I don’t want to offend any vegetarians out there, but there are times I just crave flesh and blood.

Where are you going when the zombie apocalypse happens? Honestly, I am completely unprepared for an apocalypse. I suspect I’ll die in the first wave, in which case, I’ll be stumbling around looking for some juicy brains. If I do manage to survive, I’ll make my way to a cutlery shop and try to get my hands on a katana. Guns will become useless real quick without a steady supply of ammo. I’ll need a weapon that can sever heads.

What sock do you wish SITM had? I’m a sucker for mythical creatures and it seems we are lacking dragons. It is an oversight I am sure will soon be corrected. Tune in next week to meet another member of our amazing crew!!!    

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