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The Day Cute Panties Saved My Life

Testimonial by a real made-up Sock It to Me customer.

You'll never know until you're there. Staring death in the face. How did panties save my life you ask? I'm about to tell you and you'll never think of novelty underwear the same way again.

Some may call me a thrill seeker. Others may call me crazy. Whatever term you want to assign to me, I live an adventurous life.

When I was preparing for my day of ice climbing, I made sure I had everything I needed: my carabiners, my ropes, my axe, and my Badass panties. You may not think that Badass underwear is really necessary for climbing an ice wall. Well, you'd be wrong.

I was nearing the end of my climb, exhausted near the point of insanity. My limbs were trembling and I was fumbling over each move. The remaining part of the climb might as well have been a mile high.

My pants got snagged on the ice and I couldn't get them loose. I was frozen. Too exhausted to get myself free and my hope dying fast. I sighed and looked down and the expanse of white below me and caught sight of by funny underwear.

I know it sounds crazy, but my outlook changed in a second. I wore these Badass underwear because I AM A BADASS. I can do anything I set my mind to, whether it's nailing an interview or scaling a wall of frozen water.

I regained my resolve, unsnagged my pants (and pulled them up), and finished my climb like the badass I am. That's how cute panties saved my life and that's the day I decided I'd never do without them again. Well, not the same pair...thankfully there are plenty to choose from.

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