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We said it and we meant it! Not only are we here to talk about what's going on with us, but we're also here to showcase all the Sock-o-philes out there!

So here we have it, straight outta Portland, Oregon our second Sock-o-phile - who was also a Design-a-Sock contest winner! In fact, a couple of sock monkeys made from her winning Calfinated sock design, were featured on our blog post about Pedalpalooza! But we digress....

Peggy Pfenninger: Go-Go Gadget Graphic Designer, Volunteer, Artist, & Awesome Sock Lady!


Peggy's Winning Sock

1) Why do you love socks? What's not to love? Socks are awesome.... They are functional and decorative! I think socks tell a lot about a person.

2) How did you start your collection? The start of my collection wasn't a conscious effort. When I was a pre-teen, my Aunt Nancy gave me a couple pairs of really cool socks for Christmas, I wore them all the time! Surprisingly, I still have one of those pairs in my collection. I like to call them my "Michael Jackson" socks. When I started working as a teenager, I would buy cool socks randomly, until one day I had more than would fit in one drawer. The collection kept on growing and still does.

"Michael Jackson" Socks

3) How many socks do you own? WOW! I knew I had a lot, but to answer this question accurately, I actually counted them all... 253 pairs as of 07/18/11.

4) You have so many socks. How do you keep them organized? I am a Capricorn and very organized. I used to sort my socks by color and keep each color in a separate drawer. That got to be too time and space consuming so now they are sorted by length and if they are solid color, they have their own drawer. Yes! I am a bit obsessive!

Peggy's Sock Drawers

5) What’s your favorite pair? Are you serious? That’s like asking me what is my favorite flavor ice cream. Impossible to answer. I LOVE them ALL equally! I do tend to wear the SITM Fancy Pants black & silver stripe a lot, I also love rockin’ the SITM Portland Stripe and on a warmer day, a pair of Solmate ankle socks make my feet happy.

Flying Socks

6) Do you pick the outfit then pick socks, or do you pick your socks and then your outfit? This really depends on my mood and the day. Sometimes, I know what socks I want to wear the night before. Then in the morning I try to pick the outfit that will show them off best. Other days I wing it... I am really happy I live in Portland, Oregon where it is always sock weather! Capris are my favorite pants, they are versatile for our climate and show off my socks nicely!

7) Has anyone ever pulled a "sock" prank on you? All my friends know how I am crazy with the socks. I’m a volunteer board member of Art on Alberta, a local nonprofit. At one of our meetings, I was looking around at everyone’s feet and noticed every board member had on really cool socks. Usually it’s one or two...but that night it was EVERYONE! I wanted to say something, but didn’t want to interrupt the flow of the meeting until, finally I broke down and yelled out, "I can’t believe how awesome everyone’s socks are!!!" The room erupted in laughter... I was PUNKED! The President of the board sent an email around, excluding me, telling everyone to wear cool socks to see how long it would take me to say something. They were surprised I was able to control myself for about an hour.

If you want to be featured as a Sock-o-phile, just e-mail just at: press {at} sock it to me {dot} com! We can't wait to hear from you!!

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