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Sock It to Me's Most Wanted Holiday Gifts This Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year! While we're all slowly recovering from our scrumptious Thanksgiving feast food comas, visions of sugar-plums are already dancing through our heads. :) 'Tis the season of giving, and our team at Sock It to Me has already been pounding the pavement, scouring the shelves for the PERFECT gifts for our loved ones. But, of course, we've run into the same, classic problem that every good shopper faces at one time or another -- along the way, we've discovered many great items we'd like to add to our own Christmas lists. So just in case you were wondering what to get us for the holidays, we've compiled a small list of our most wanted holiday gifts this year!

After a crazy, hectic holiday season in the Sock It to Me warehouse packing the hundreds of orders that come in daily, Kisa dreams of a white Christmas, but not necessarily white snow. Instead, she wants a big, fluffy down comforter and a quiet place to nap. We can't promise the quiet, but the down comforter shouldn't be too hard to find!

Heaven Must Look A Lot Like This

Just like her eclectic job titles here at Sock It to me, Amber's wishlist contains all kinds of off-the-wall items. After browsing the pages of Etsy, Amber came up with a thorough list of must-haves. Whose home isn't complete without a "Corporate Portrait Print - Sea Otter" by Etsy's Shanalogic smiling down on them while they eat their breakfast cereal?! And no outfit is complete without a dinosaur necklace!

Corporoate Portrait Sea Other Print by Shanalogic
Rawr! Dinosaur Necklace by Shanalogic

Whoever pulled our GM for the office gift exchange this year might have a little trouble finding his gift at the mall. As a father of "two girls ages 2.5 and .3," Matt just wants a little more time to spend with his family. (What do you think the cost of that is?!) With a little luck, he'll be re-establishing his family's annual trip to Whistler to hit the slopes and spend a little QT with his girls. We don't know if Santa can fit all that in his sleigh, but here's to hoping that Father Time saves the day and grants him a little Christmas miracle :)

Whistler Ski Resort

Carrie agreed with Matt that the best gift she'll be receiving is a little time off to spend with her family in Nebraska. The holidays are all about loved ones anyway, right? Of course, she wouldn't mind finding a shower cap (Matt says he has that one covered), some work out shorts, and portable iPhone speakers under the tree as well. :)

Mostly this...
With a little of that..

Our Customer Service Representative Extraordinaire Jacob is crossing his fingers for a little Christmas magic as well. Father Time is going to be pretty busy with our Sock It to Me crew this year! Jacob would love to unwrap a jet pack or a teleporting gun (all very reasonable gifts) to shorten his daily commute and give him a little more leisurely time to spend at home. (Of course, if we actually had a jet pack, we probably wouldn't be spending much time at home anyways!)

Can we get one with mustaches please?

Only 25 more days to Christmas! Let the countdown begin! What's on your holiday wish list this year? We'd love to hear! Feel free to post a comment below, or send it to us at!    

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