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When we create sock & undie designs, we think we know how our fans will feel about them. We assign them personalities and come up with "perfect" outfits. Once we release our creations into the world, we find that everyone interprets our socks differently...AND WE LOVE IT. 

Enter Nick Adkins. Nick works in healthcare, but not in the way you might think. He is part of a team at ReelDX bringing the power of video to patient-doctor interactions. With secure medical video storage, we can view patient discharge instructions as many times as we want. Or, we can have a between check-up check-in via video rather than coming into the doctor's office. The possibilities are endless. All of this is to help people make connections with each other; to make sure patients are really connecting with their doctors and able to communicate effectively. 

Healthcare isn't the only place we've become disconnected. Nick Adkins wears kilts, so everyone notices his fun socks. He started carrying around our Pink Mustache socks and handing them out to people who asked about his silly socks. He tells them, "Every time you wear these socks they will make people smile. People will come up to you and ask you about your socks. You'll have a connection." As Nick travels to healthcare conferences and gifts more and more pink socks to those trying to change healthcare, these socks have taken on a new meaning: trying to disrupt healthcare from the ground up. We couldn't be more pleased to be part of this message. Thanks Nick, and keep spreading the word! Are you a part of the #PinkSocks revolution? How do you make connections with people? What do Sock It to Me socks and undies mean to you? We want to know! Check out the hashtag #pinksocks on Twitter or Instagram to see some amazing people sporting our Pink Mustache socks. OR, head over to Nick's website for pics and more of his story.

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