Did anyone happen to catch the 2011 National Beard and Moustache Championship last week?? You heard us right – a contest exclusively designed to reward America’s BEST facial hair! Who would have ever imagined?! Beard Team USA hosted the weekend’s festivities in Lancaster, PA – home to a thriving and, of course, bearded Amish community. The Amish, who forgo shaving forever (eek!) after tying the knot, are famous for their elaborate facial hair.
Also, all contestants and onlookers got to experience Amish life for an entire 24 hours! Dressed in traditional Amish clothes, visitors learned how to bake shoo-fly pie, attended Amish school, and even participated in chores! (Okay, so chores aren't USUALLY that exciting - but this time we wouldn't mind lending a helping hand!)
Check out some of our favorite participants from past contests!

Beard Team USA (Go Red, White, & Blue!) placed second overall in the WORLD Beard and Mustache Championships this year! Maybe they could use a little help from our Mustache socks to bring home the GOLD next time!
Whether you have your eyes set on the prize at the next National Beard and Mustache Championships, you're letting a little scruff grow in for the winter, or your skin is as smooth as a baby's, EVERYONE can enjoy these funky Mustache socks!