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Meet the Sock: Women's Ankle Sockness Monster

The hardly seen, rarely photographed Sockness Monster Ankle sock risked exposure to talk with us.

SITM: What are you bringing to the Sock It to Me line?

Ankle Sockness: Mystery, intrigue, rumor, and speculation.

SITM: What shoes do you think you go best with?

Ankle Sockness: A pair that will cover me up completely. I'm not much for public appearances.

SITM: Who is your sock idol?

Ankle Sockness: So many. Of course my older cousin Knee High Sockness Monster, but also Sasquatch, and Unicorn, and Squid-O. Any of the cryptid socks.

SITM: What's your superpower?

Ankle Sockness: Always appearing blurry in photographs.

SITM: Where do you want to be seen, make an appearance?

Ankle Sockness: While I may not enjoy the lime light, I'm not against appearing in a tabloid now and then.  

There you have it, the only guaranteed way to see Sockness Monster is to wear him on your ankle ($9).

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