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How to Be a Real Superhero Every Day

Are you a superhero?

If you answered yes, then congrats. I’ll try not to take up too much of your time, so you can get back to doing whatever it is that you do. If you answered that you’re not a superhero, then here’s a follow-up question: are you ready to become one?

This is not a trick question. You can become a superhero if you want. If it seems like you can’t maybe that’s because, in the age of Marvel, we’ve been conditioned to have a narrow understanding of what a superhero actually is. So, let's make a distinction between real superheroes and fictional superheroes. To be a real superhero, you don’t have to be extremely wealthy like Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne. Or have been born into it in a faraway land like

Black Panther or Wonder Woman. Or gain your powers through a freak accident like Spiderman or The Hulk. You don’t have to fight crime or an arch-nemesis. All you have to do is believe in yourself, and have the courage to do some good.

Over the past month, in anticipation of National Superhero Day on April 28th, we’ve been asking you to tell us what kind of superheroes you are, or you aspire to be. We’re impressed.

Here’s one from our Instagram friend, @active_aimee: “I am that person that will stop a complete stranger on the street to compliment them. I love seeing how this immediately changes how they carry themselves. I see them smile, stand taller, and have a bounce in their step.”

That’s awesome! Going out of your way to make someone’s day better are absolutely the actions of a superhero.

Another real-life superhero is @__tiffit__, who says her self-confidence

“gives her the mental and physical strength to balance life as a medical student and amateur powerlifter and bodybuilder.”

Superhuman strength and energy is required to do just one of these things, let alone both. So, yeah, she definitely qualifies as a real-life superhero. And years from now when she’s a working doctor AND a power lifter? That’s a superhero alter-ego you don’t want to mess with.

Another no-doubt superhero is @jaimeannez, who told us: “As I am just getting home from an event I volunteered at for a nonprofit near and dear to my heart… I volunteer for Suck It Suicide. We are all about suicide prevention, education, and awareness. As a 4 time attempt survivor, helping those struggling or even who have suffered a loss helps keep me above ground. If I can help people stay above ground with then I’m fulfilling my purpose. Maybe I can help them realize they have purpose too.”

Wow. We are DEFINITELY looking at a real-life superhero here, folks. The fact that she’s

willing to share that she’s a four-time suicide survivor takes heroic bravery. Not only that: her origin story. Her experience as a four-time suicide survivor gives her unparalleled insight into the mindset of the people she’s helping.

You are amazing for the difficult work you do, and unquestionably a superhero walking amongst us.

Superheroes come in all shapes and sizes and do good in a variety of different ways. We easily found three examples of everyday, non-fiction superheroes who blend into the daily fabric of our lives. You sent us so many more great examples and we could go on and on. That’s the point. Everyone, whether they realize it or not, has a superhero inside them.

A costume? Not necessary. A sidekick? No. A secret lair? Wherever you spend most of your time will do just fine. An origin story? Your own origin story is already absolutely perfect. The only thing you need is the confidence to see yourself as a superhero, and the drive to get out there and start doing some good.

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