We will unashamedly say that we love presents. We love to give them, and we love to receive them (even if they are pieced together with paper and glue). After all, if it's made with love, it's received with love... well, in our book, at least.
Having made the majority of gifts over the years, we want this year to be different. But with so many people to shop for and not enough direction, we thought we'd piece together a gift guide, using a few of our own socks as inspiration. Right now, our hearts are all aflutter for whales, dinos and owls. (They are so stinkin cute. My gosh!) We hope you join us in our star-struck wonder... and get a few good gift ideas while you're at it! Happy gift hunting, friends! xo
{ Whales }

{ Owls }

{ Dinosaurs }

p.s. We can't let you go without saying this: Gifts come and gifts go, but words of love are forever remembered. ♥