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Holiday Festivities = Holiday Feast!

In just a short week and a half, the holiday season will be in full swing, and we can barely contain our excitement - or our stomachs! Of course, the holidays just wouldn't be the same without the whole she-bang, but when we really get down to it, our appetites trump all (because we obviously didn't get enough at Thanksgiving!). The festive decorations, friends and family gatherings, gift exchanges, and annual traditions are just icing on the cake, but a holiday just isn't really a holiday without the delicious treats!

Now that we've got your stomachs rumbling along with ours, we wanted to share some of our favorite holiday dishes. Maybe you can even add a couple to your meal plan! Make sure you send us an email at to let us know how it turns out! Or send in your own favorite holiday recipe for us to try out!

Matt's mom (or, I mean, Santa) kept it simple and sweet with his Christmas goodies. For more than 25 years (and, yes - he does still get a stocking every year from his mom), Matt receives a pound of Peanut M&M's. Talk about a chocolate overload! We could be eating M&M's for weeks! (Although, now that we think about it, that doesn't sound too bad...)

Jacob's favorite holiday food is also pretty simple - although neither Santa nor his mom necessarily approve of his choice of snack. He has fond memories of the black olives his Grandma served as an appetizer (although we're pretty sure his mom doesn't remember these times quite as fondly). He would prance around the house with an olive on each finger until the entire bowl was gone- much to his mom's dismay. What's wrong with a little bad manners as long as you're creating memories?! (But we sure do hope the tradition stopped in his childhood; it might not go over so well for a grown man to be sucking olives off of his fingers!)

While Matt's devouring pounds of chocolate, Kisa is getting her lion's share of sugar! For Kisa, Christmas and cookies have become synonymous, and her mom still mails her batches of her delicious, home-baked cookies every year. With dozens and dozens of holiday cookies - including chocolate crinkles, thumbprint cookies with homemade raspberry jam, seven layer bars, sugar cookies in holiday shapes, chocolate peanut butter cookies, and Russian teacakes (her favorite!) - it sounds like Cookie Heaven!

In true Sock It to Me form, Carrie's favorite holiday goodies comes more in the form of an adult beverage. As an added bonus, she's not too picky either - pretty much any type of holiday-flavored drink will do, from Hot Toddy's to eggnog. One of her all-time favorite though is hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps. Food isn't the only way to a girl's heart! ;)

Amber's favorite holiday grub comes straight from the Aloha State! As a native Hawaiian, she loves to chow down on purple sweet potato casserole during the holidays! (Sounds so Hawaiian!) Check out the recipe for this scrumptious dish here: Feel free to mix it up a bit too! Amber suggests trading out the haupia with grated coconut and making it as a casserole instead of a pie. Let us know how it turns out!

Wishing you all a very merry holiday season, and a stomach full of an amazing holiday feast! Send us an email with your favorite holiday recipes that we can try out this year!            

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