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Get to Know: Trail LIfe


A true nature lover only needs a compass, trusted hiking boots, and these socks.  

SITM: What other SITM style do you think you pair well with?

Trail Life: Base Camp. What makes hiking better than an overnight camp?

SITM: Who do you look up to?

Trail Life: All the through-hikers. Anyone who can hike for weeks without a burrito is a champ in my book.

SITM: What do you do to relax?

Trail Life: Find nature—wherever I can, however I can. I can’t always make it to the woods, but I can usually find a park.

SITM: What do you think customers will like most about you?

Trail Life: I think people will like me for the same reasons they like the trail life itself; I have simple graphics of all the things you need or see in the wild.

SITM: What is your life philosophy?

Trail Life: All the answers you need, you will find on the trail.

SITM: When you’re on a foot, where would you like to go?

Trail Life: Waterfalls, mountains, rivers, dirt paths, cliffs, sunsets, trees, valleys...  

Ready for happy trails? Step into Men’s Crew Trail Life.

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