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Get to Know: Touchdown Underwear

Sports fan, meet sports attire.  

SITM: What other SITM style do you think you pair well with?

Touchdown: Cheers! Because what goes better with football than beer?

SITM: What’s your superpower?

Touchdown: I’ve been known to consume 30 hot wings in one sitting.

SITM: What do you do to relax?

Touchdown: Watch the game. Actually, that gets me pretty riled up.

SITM: What do you think customers will like most about you?

Touchdown: If you have to undo your pants from game-day snacking, at least your underwear is appropriate.

SITM: When you’re being worn, where would you like to go?

Touchdown: To the game! I love watching football from the couch or a bar, but nothing beats the real thing.  

Ready to take it to the end zone? Touchdown underwear will be there for you.

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