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Get to Know: Pose Your Toes

Getting to know this sock shouldn’t pose a challenge.  

SITM: Who do you look up to?

Pose: Anyone who works their practice into their busy lives, because there’s always a reason to skip a morning yoga class.

SITM: What do you do to relax?

Pose: Yoga!

SITM: What do you think customers will like most about you?

Pose: I’m the perfect way to bring yoga with you everywhere you go. You may not be able to stop and do downward dog in the middle of your stressful work presentation, but I’ll be there reminding you to breath deeply.

SITM: What is your perfect date?

Pose: I don’t like to plan for a date, I just like to see where the evening takes us.

SITM: When you’re on a foot, where would you like to go?

Pose: Mountain pose, downward facing dog, plank, tree, then shavasana.  

Breath deeply and wear Pose Your Toes.

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