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Get to Know: Here in My Car

Meet someone who’s always ready to play!  

SITM: Who do you look up to?

Car: All the big kids that have those cars you can drive with your feet! I want one so bad, but I’m not allowed yet cause my parents say I knock enough stuff over already.

SITM: What do you do to relax?

Car: Play with my toy truck. I just got a new one that has lights and goes WOOOOOO!

SITM: What do you think customers will like most about you?

Car: You get to take your toy cars with you everywhere! Sometimes my parents won’t let me bring my toys to dinner because of that one time that they got in the mashed potatoes. But, you can’t keep these toys away from dinner!

SITM: What is your life philosophy?


SITM: When you’re on a foot, where would you like to go?

Car: Toy store!   Roll with the good times in toddler’s Here in My Car.

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