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Get to Know: Bike Tricks

It’s Bigfoot on a bike doing tricks—who wouldn’t want to know more?  

SITM: What other SITM style do you think you pair well with?

Bike Tricks: There are other Bigfoot and bike styles, but I’m more of a loaner. When we see each other, we just nod to say “hi".

SITM: What’s your superpower?

Bike Tricks: I have really big feet that help me do bike tricks some others can’t. That’s pretty cool.

SITM: What’s your favorite part of being on the SITM team?

Bike Tricks: They really accept me for who I am—a hairy, apelike guy who just really enjoys doing bike tricks through giant evergreen trees.

SITM: What do you think about this sock & sandal trend?

Bike Tricks: I don’t like biking in sandals, they just get in the way. Bare feet help have a better grip.

SITM: When you’re on a foot, where would you like to go?

Bike Tricks: I don’t like to go out much, so if we do, make sure it’s quick and blurry.

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