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From Humble Beginnings to Sock Dream Success

Every now and then, it's good to step back from your daily routine, take a look at how far you've come, and appreciate the journey along the way. Way back when, Sock It to Me was just a small booth at the local weekend market in Portland. Today, Sock It to Me socks can be found in retailers across the globe, as well as on the feet of many celebrities, including Avril Lavigne, Janeane Garafalo, Kimya Dawson, Chicago Bulls' star Derrick Rose, and SF Giants pitcher Brian Wilson.

Who better to remind you of your humble beginnings than those who were actually there?! The Lincoln Journal Star (the main newspaper in Carrie's hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska) recently posted an amazing story detailing the entire history of Carrie's early entrepreneurial endeavors (Can you picture a cute, little Carrie manning her lemonade stand on the side of the road?!) and the early stages of Sock It to Me.

You don't want to miss this! Check out the article here:

Interestingly, just after the awesome feature in the Lincoln Journal Star reminded us of our humble beginnings, one of our Twitter friends showed us just how far we've come. Who's a Project Runway fan?!?! Denver fashion designer, Mondo Guerra, sported our knee-high "Glasses" socks on an All-Star episode!

Send some Sock It to Me love to @LoveMondoTrasho for getting our styles on the runway!

Although there's certainly always room for growth, we're extremely proud of Sock It to Me's success so far and can't wait to see where we go in the future! Have you seen our Sock It to Me's out and about? Let us know by emailing us at!

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