Remember when you were a kid and you used to just go over to your BFF's house and hang out in her room? You didn't have an agenda and you didn't care what you were wearing because it was just you and her... and you would just sprawl out on her bed, flipping through catalogues and talking about boys. Yeah, those were the days...
Now, if we want to hang out with our girlfriends, we create events like Martini Mondays or Taco Tuesdays, and we meet up at coffee shops and ice cream parlors, just so we can spend time together and catch up. It's kind-of sad. Can't we just go to our friend's house, plop onto her bed and cut straight to the chatter?
In an effort to do just that, Carrie and I got together on a random Wednesday and brought back the old school. As we sat there in her room, flipping through mags, we started gushing over our mutual love for Sock It to Me's extra long leg warmers.
I mean, I knew they were versatile, but when Carrie started sharing all of these other ways of wearing them, I thought, "Hey! What we need here is a fashion photo shoot!" To my delight, Carrie complied, and I immediately went to her closet and started pulling clothes. The result isn't polished or professional, but you get the idea. Most importantly, we had fun. And it was almost like we were 12, again, putting together fashion shows on a mid-week eve...

Like I said, we love the extra long leg warmers around here. But I hadn't even thought of wearing them camping until Carrie mentioned it. Now, call me an Oregonian, but anything you can dress up or dress down AND even wear in the backcountry is worth its weight in gold.So when I heard how Carrie used her long leg warmers to keep warm every night while camping in Utah's chilly high country, I put them on my "buy" list ASAP, because toasty warm toes in the backcountry is a hard thing to come by!
The best thing is: when she had to get up in the middle of the night, she just scrunched up the leg warmers to throw on her boots and then, upon her return, just lowered them past her tootsies before slipping back into her sleeping bag. Easy breazy brilliance, I must say...

Now that you're ready to purchase a pair (wink, wink), we're going to make it easy on you. Here is a link where you can find these long leg warmers ON SALE for just $8. Enjoy the savings... and please, be our fan on Facebook and send us photos! (We recommend throwing together a photo shoot with your girlfriends!)