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Employee Profile: Laura

What’s your name?


What’s your position at Sock It to Me?

I’m the Graphic Designer! Not to be confused with the folks that design our socks, 
I make the pretty materials that show the world our socks.

How long have you worked at Sock It to Me?

For over a year.

What is your favorite Sock It to Me sock currently?

I’m a pretty big fan of “Toucan Can Do It” in the ladies section and “America” in Men’s.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I’m a nut about electronic/house music. I’ll be going to a local music festival this Summer to get my music bug satisfied.

Do you have any strange or unique talents? Or maybe just a regular one? Something your co-workers don’t know about? OMG tell us!

I used to be an aspiring vocalist! I still sing on occasion but not trying to make a career out of it. I’ve sung in New Orleans, Austin, Portland, and Australia!

What do you like most about working at Sock It to Me?

The socks, the dogs, the digs...actually I really love being creative and be able to work with a brand that is so fun and free-spirited. It feels good to work for a company that encourages people to express themselves. I’m not sure I could ever go back to a straight laced kind of environment, seeing how professionally an office can run while everyone maintains a sense of loyalty to who they are inside!

What do you think our customers love most about Sock It to Me?

Our socks are really freaking soft and comfortable and well, obviously the designs are rad as heck. I went from like 10 pairs of boring white socks and now I have a drawer overflowing with over 50 pairs. It’s addictive.

What type of clothing do you think Sock It to Me should move into next?

Honestly, I would LOVE to see swimwear.
 I would rock a backless one piece bathing suit in “Rainbow Blast” so hard.

What is one food you can’t live without, and why?

Sushi. Sushi. Sushi. We have a sock for that. ;)

X-Ray Vision or Flight?

I don’t know what good X-Ray vision would do if I don’t want to break into places or see what you ate. I’m going to have to go with flight. No brainer.

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