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Employee Profile: Amber

What’s your name?

Amber Kaipaka-McMannis

What’s your position at Sock It to Me?

Controller of Doom

How long have you worked at Sock It to Me?

Since May 2008

What is your favorite Sock It to Me sock currently?

Knit skulls… we didn’t make them. [Pictured with A Purrfect World after some prodding.]

What do you like to do outside of work?

Sleep and eat all the food. I also like to do things outdoors. This year I’m going on a week-long rafting and camping trip.

Do you have any strange or unique talents? Or maybe just a regular one? Something your co-workers don’t know about? OMG tell us!

I can code a mean website circa 2000. I am really good at injuring myself. Some say I am made of glass.

What do you like most about working at Sock It to Me?

The people I work with.

What do you think our customers love most about Sock It to Me?

We make weird stuff. We take risks. It makes us unique.

What type of clothing do you think Sock It to Me should move into next?

I know Jacob is going to say headbands. I would like us to make leggings.

What is one food you can’t live without, and why?

Burritos. Um, duh?

X-Ray Vision or Flight?

Neither. I’ve worked here long enough that I get to choose my own superhero talent. This talent is a secret to give me a competitive edge over my enemies.

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