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Contest submissions from around the globe

Oh wow, so many great submissions have come in from folks vying for First Place in our 2nd International Design-A-Sock Contest. Not only that, they have come from places near and far, like Australia, Canada, Israel, Poland, and the Philippines. It just gives us this warm, fuzzy feeling to know that there are people all across the world who are joining us in talent and spirit.

We thought you'd enjoy seeing a few of the buzz-worthy designs we have received. Remember, First Place winner gets $500 cash plus 10 pairs of socks and bragging rights, since the winning design joins our line of socks already on the market. Second and Third Place winners score cash and socks, too. Of course, there are more chances to "win" as well. If we like your designs, we'll buy them from you and call you a sock designer! Pretty cool thing to add to the resume, no?

BTW, you can still enter the contest. Find rules plus our design template online here and send in up to 5 designs electronically by 5pm PST on Friday, March 4th (or post-marked by the 4th if you snail mail them from the States).

All this talking and you just want to see some designs, don't you? Ok. Here you go, friends. Get your votes ready, and join us on Facebook for a preliminary voting round from March 14 to 17. The winners will be announced on March 18th!

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