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CONTEST Day 5: Ultimate Sock It to Me Expert!

Congratulations to to yesterday's Ultimate Sock It to Me Expert, Karl Hutchinson, who was the 1st to guess the Outlet socks!

Here are your hints for the very last day of the Ultimate Sock It to Me Expert Contest!

  1. I can be found on nearly every city street corner and off every interstate exit in America.
  2. According to The Economist, the average American enjoys my company 3 times a week.
  3. I typically only weigh a couple of pounds, but the most I’ve ever weighed is 2,014 pounds, according to the Guinness World Records.
One last quick reminder of the rules....
  • Each day this week (11/26 - 11/30) we will post 3 hints on our blog. These 3 hints correspond specifically with ONE current Sock It to Me sock design.
  • The first person to correctly guess which sock design our 3 hints are describing AND email their correct guess to will win that pair of socks!
  • If you need help brushing up on your Sock It to Me knowledge, check out all of our current sock designs on our site -
  • You must EMAIL your guess in. Facebook posts & comments will not be accepted as entries.
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