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Breast Cancer Awareness

The temperatures are gradually dropping, and October is finally here! We LOVE the fall colors - brown, gold, orange, red, and PINK! Everywhere we turn,

pink is covering products of all kinds - office supplies, clothes, makeup, food, etc. It's everywhere, and we just can't get enough of it! So, in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness month, Sock It to me is joining the pink parade and teaming up with the National Breast Cancer Coalition to help find a cure! Since its humble beginnings, Sock It to Me has packed a powerful punch, fighting its way from the weekend craft fair into the main ring at many retail stores across the country. Now, it’s time to use that force against our biggest competitor yet – breast cancer, which claims the lives of tens of thousands of men and women across the country each year.

For the entire month of October 2011, YOU can choose from eleven awesome, pink sock designs, and Sock It to Me will donate 50% of the sales price to the National Breast Cancer Coalition fund. There is no maximum contribution, so let's "wow" NBCC with our Sock It to Me love and make a HUGE donation!

Our eleven pink styles are PERFECT for Breast Cancer fundraisers, including walks, runs, and bike rides, as well as everyday wear! Show off your matching team SITM’s in a local walk-a-thon or sport yours solo at a bike race! Whether you favor the spunky Pink Mustaches, the amusing Trifecta of All That is Awesome, or the classic Pink & Red stripes, you’ll be teaming up with Sock It to Me and the National Breast Cancer Coalition to knock the socks off breast cancer!

Check out our pink page on, and choose your own PINK SOCKS! Also, if you already own some PINK Sock It to Me's - please email us photos of you donning your favorite PINK pair & outfit in support of Breast Cancer Awareness! We will be sending a special package with a few FREE Sock It to Me's to the person who is best dressed for BCA!

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