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Blog, blog, blog!

Ehhhh, getting a little better at keeping this blog updated. It's not quite Monday but its close! Sooo..... What's new in the sock world? After placing my big fall sock order, now its time to work on the mechanics of the business, keep an eye on the tradeshow planning, there is a logo/rebranding project in the mix, sales, and lastly, we have to prepare a happy home for our new arrivals that will be here at the end of June. A full plate and I really like the future planning aspect of the biz, so I'm in luck!

While perusing through some old pics the other day I came across some funny pictures that I think you the prospective entrepreneur, or just curious customer would like to see. One picture is the very first day Sock it to Me was open for business. It was at a booth at the local Saturday Market here in Portland. The other is a picture taken last August at a tradeshow in Las Vegas. Quite the difference, huh? What a difference a couple years and some hard work can make. I would have never guessed at the start that I would have made it this far. Time is a crazy thing........

First day of Sock it to Me sales! 10/23/2004

Tradeshow Booth, Las Vegas, 2008

I've come a long way. I used to pack the orders myself and then hand address all the shipping info. Now I have a team of people to help and many of the steps are automated. It's really fun to see the progress and I couldn't have done it without all the great people I have on the team helping. Would like to get some of their introductions here on this thing in the future.

Well, that's it for now. Not much to say but lots to do, so I should get to that.



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