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Back-to-School Cool

Somebody remind us that it's May — springtime, a time when people get excited about shorts and flip-flops and sunny days on the coast. Like the rest of the fashion world, all we can think about right now is fall knits and heavy skirts paired with tall knee socks and boots (a solid combo, no doubt).

Janeane Garofalo looking very Back-to-School-cool in her Ninja socks

Before I got into fashion, I never thought about that part. About the fact that designers, shops and retailers are always thinking ahead, planning what is to come. If you've ever seen The September Issue, you would understand. The documentary follows the highly revered/feared Editor-in-Chief, Anna Wintour during Vogue's busiest time of year, when the editorial staff puts together the September issue (obv) starting in early March. (To be clear, we are not crazed like Anna Wintour here at SITM. The worst it gets is too many doughnuts in one sitting, speaking for myself, anyways.)

Of course, September is also when all the young fashionistas go back to school. For some reason, fall fashion will always be associated with going back to school, whether the designers are marketing to school-goers or not. But we like the idea of embracing "back to school" time. It's a time for a fresh start, and new digs. In grade school, we always looked forward to that part. It made us forget the whole loss-of-summer-free-time/studying part.

So while we're busy meeting deadlines and getting the designs in, the samples ordered, the orders in, and finalizing all of the nitty gritty details that go into selling our product, we actually kinda love it. You know how it goes. No pain, no gain! Honestly, we can't wait to embrace the new fall fashions here at SITM. Our new styles are gonna rock your socks off; they're so yummy. So go ahead, do some spring cleaning. You'll need to make room in that sock drawer soon. (And by "soon", we mean SOON... July is just around the corner!)

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