Sock-o'-lantern We at Sock It to Me absolutely LOVE Halloween and can't wait to dress up silly, decorate our office, and eat some treats. We love it so much, we have a costume contest every year. For costumes, we like equal parts clever and scary, although we count "scary good" as scary. This year, we're sharing some of our favorite Halloween tricks (and treats) good enough for any home or office.

Decorations Creepy Hands: Cheap and simple - Cut out hands from old paper bags, rubber band them to mason jars with tea lights and place them in your window or mantel. Automatic spooky and a fun group activity. Bats Out Of Here: Last year a sockstar (what we at Sock It to Me like to call ourselves) brought in paper bats for the office. Many of us still have them taped up to our work area, but they started out in formation above her desk as if there was a swarm gathering. Very creepy.

Food Spider Deviled Eggs: Outside - Boil eggs like normal. Once you've removed them from the pan, let them sit for 15 minutes, then crack each egg with a spoon. Add the lightly cracked eggs to a bowl with enough water and black food coloring to cover them and keep them in the fridge for 2 hours. Peel and be horrified! Inside - Classic deviled eggs with olives cut to look like spiders. Cut olives in half, one half for the body, the other half chop lengthwise and turn into legs. Scary delicious! Costumes Often, we'll put choosing a costume off until the last minute. There are so many great options, how do you choose just one? We've found that beginning your costume early is the best way to go. Once you decide on an idea, you see new accessories for it everywhere. A simpler costume done right to the smallest detail will beat out a better idea thrown together at the last minute. Zombifying anything makes it a costume. Pregnant? Be a pregnant zombie! Think being a pirate is too boring? Be a zombie pirate! Take your favorite star and undeadify them! The possibilities are endless. Make a costume out of a pun. Who doesn't love puns? Nobody, that's who.

Gomez with his pumpkin. Caped crusading isn't just for mainstream superheroes. We at Sock It to Me think that everyone has an inner superhero. What's yours? Find it, dress up like it, add a cape and go out trick or treating! Don't forget your furry sidekick! Though they might protest, your pets love to get dressed up! Just check out this dog dressed as a spider scaring people.
Protip: If you're throwing a Halloween party, don't allow anyone with glitter into your house or your cats will sparkle for months. Glitter is forever.