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5 Reasons to Get Outside Right Now!

Summertime is here and we can't wait to get outside. Camping is always nice. So is hiking along a trail. But what about when you can't get out of town? There are plenty of fun ways to enjoy the sunshine without hitting the road.

Food Carts

We're not sure about everywhere else, but in PDX, food carts are the place to be on sunny days (not to mention at 2 am on a Friday night). It offers the trifecta of awesome things: sunshine, people, and food! If you're lucky your local collection of carts will also feature beer that you can wash your tacos or Thai food down with. One of our favorites even has a fashion bus in the mix, though can you really call it fashion if socks aren't included? Find a food cart or truck near you:


Festivals aren't as far away as you think. Here in Portland we have music festivals on the waterfront, bike festivals through our streets, and beer festivals just about anywhere we can fit them. It's easy to find a fest celebrating something you love: it could be as simple as picking up your local paper. Here's a handy guide to music festivals:

Street Fair

An old-fashioned street fair! This is one you can bring the kiddos to, unlike that rowdy beerfest (probably going to want to get a sitter for that one). Most cities have a few on major streets throughout the summer, but you can also organize your own! Neighborhood street fairs can bring friends and neighbors together in ways that complaining about a barking dog just can't.

Fun Runs

It seems like every other weekend in Portland the streets are shut down for some fun run or another. When you're on the outside of it, they can be a frustrating, traffic-inducing mess. From the inside of it, they can be an amazingly fun way to see your city like you never have before. Plus, you get to wear fun costumes (that often include crazy socks). This is an awesome source for runs near you: Floats Those of you lucky enough to have a river (or other body of water) running through your city: there's probably an event or two taking place on or in it. Even if there isn't, all you need are a few friends, a few tubes, and maybe a cooler to make a great day of it. So get out there and have some fun in the sun! There's no wrong way to do it as long as you bring some water and sunscreen. Don't forget to include #sitmsummer to share your adventures with us!

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